Life updates

So I've obviously fallen behind a bit on blogging. I wish I could say that it's because I've somehow gotten incredibly busy and productive, but I'd prefer not to lie. It would be more accurate to say I've fallen into a bit of a groove. Things that used to seem interesting and exciting are now just pieces of my daily life, and don't feel as worthy of a blog post as they might have a year ago. Regardless, here are a few quick updates of what life has been like recently! Back in May, the group of volunteers that I traveled to Ghana with all met up in Kumasi, Ghana's second city, for a mid-service conference. That's right, I'm now well past the half-way mark on my 27 months in country! It's a little hard to wrap my head around the fact that I only have about nine months left before it will be time to wrap everything up and come home. It was awesome to see everyone again and hear what everyone has been up to. Even though we are in the same countr...